Learn about the functions and characteristics of the left and right brain and how you can leverage both sides of your brain to achieve your entrepreneurial goals.
Many have heard about the two sides of the brain and there are varied articles from psychologists across the world talking about it time and again.
But have you ever wondered how your brain works? And do you think you are more of a logical or a creative person? Do you know how to use both sides of your brain to boost your entrepreneurial performance?
We will explore the answers to these questions in our post today by digging into this fascinating topic of left and right brain and how they affect your thinking, behavior and innovation.
While some may accept or not, it is true that many entrepreneurs struggle to find the right balance between their left-brain and right-brain functions and often end up favoring one over the other.
But before we get into the details, let us first understand what are the Left and Right brain?
The human brain is divided into two halves or hemispheres that are connected by nerve fibers. Each hemisphere has different functions and controls different processes in the body. The left hemisphere is known to control movement for the right side of the body while the right hemisphere is known to direct the left side of the body.

And psychological theories suggest that the Left brain is more verbal, analytical and orderly than the right brain. And so, it is sometimes called the ‘digital brain’. It gets activated with things like reading, writing and computations. According to scientific research studies, the Left brain helps you with:
Linear thinking
Thinking in words
On the other hand, the Right brain is more visual and intuitive. And so, it is sometimes called the ‘analog brain’. It has a more creative and less organized way of thinking. The Right brain helps you with:
Nonverbal cues
That said, it is equally important to note that the left brain versus right brain theory is not entirely accurate. While specific parts of the brain do dominate the processing of different mental tasks depending on their characteristics, there is typically no overall dominant side.
A 2013 study found no proof that people are either left-brained or right-brained. It is therefore understood that the brain works as a whole and both sides communicate with each other.
As an entrepreneur, you know that you need to be able to think creatively and analytically to solve problems and generate new ideas, to plan and execute and also to communicate and collaborate. In other words, it's not wrong to say in this case that you need to use both sides of your brain.
Some examples of entrepreneurs who are observed to use both sides of their brain are:
Steve Jobs: The co-founder of Apple was known for his visionary and creative approach to technology, design and marketing. He also had a keen sense of business strategy, execution and leadership.
Jeff Bezos: The founder of Amazon is famous for his customer-centric and innovative mindset as well as his analytical and data-driven decision making. He also experiments with new ventures and challenges the status quo.
Dava Guthmiller: The founder and chief creative officer of Noise 13, a branding and strategy studio in the Bay Area, blends her artistic and entrepreneurial skills to create impactful brand experiences for her clients.
Elon Musk: The founder of Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink and The Boring Company is a visionary and a disruptor who aims to revolutionize transportation, energy, space exploration and neural engineering. He also has a strong grasp of engineering, physics, economics and management.
Now that we understand these details, here I am sharing some ways you can leverage both sides of your brain for entrepreneurial success:
Train your left and right brain by learning new things, taking up hobbies or playing games (Its wiser to be like kids sometimes to make this happen!).
Start your day with a creative activity such as writing, drawing or playing music. This will help stimulate your right brain and help you generate new ideas and perspectives.
Use a planner or a calendar to organize your tasks and priorities. This will activate your left brain and help you manage your time and resources efficiently.
Set goals, analyze data, make decisions and manage finances, this will activate your left-brain functions. Brainstorm, innovate, design and connect with people, this will trigger activation of your right-brain functions.
When you face a problem or a challenge, try to approach it from different angles. Analyze the facts and data (left brain activation) and use your imagination to arrive at the possible solutions (right brain activation).
When you learn something new, use both visual and auditory methods. Read and write notes to train your left brain, watch videos and listen to podcasts to train your right brain.
When you relax or have fun, try something different from your usual routine. Play games that require logic and strategy (left brain activation) or play games that require creativity and intuition (right brain activation).
Plan your day in a manner which allows you to switch between using logic and analysis in one half of your day and using emotions and creativity in the other half of the day. Over a period of time, this will trigger activation of both left and right brain modes depending on the task at hand.
In case you take time to master the skill of switching between logical and emotional side of the brain, then try to recognize your core strengths and collaborate with others who can complement and balance you with their strengths.
Whilst you may now have gauged which is your dominant side of the brain, training and mastering both sides of the brain is not impossible either.
Successful entrepreneurs use their brain holistically to achieve remarkable results and so can you. Don’t limit yourself to one side or the other.
Embrace your whole brain potential, unleash your creativity and logic and make it happen for yourself!
Drop in your comments in case you have other tips to share with our readers. Grow together and be successful together :)