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Take Charge Of Your Life!


Its not about what you are doing. Its about the impact of what you are doing on your life and on others around you.

With the pandemic and the speeding up of the digital age, many have lost their jobs, many are unable to satisfy growing family pressures and many are unable to heed to the old and sick. All these basic essentials and much more has made us all take that one moment to reflect and think about ‘what we are doing’ and most importantly ‘where we are going’.

This is the time we then have to think about the word that majority of us in the world do not like. CONTROL. Ironically, no one likes to be controlled but there are times where we need to do so to feel less overwhelmed and anxious.

Much better way is to take control of your life first before others control it. However with the kind of free-spirited life we all have been used to living, how do we take control of our life for good?

There are many ways but I am listing out 4 key techniques one can surely benefit for taking charge of their lives.

Watch Your Associations

We do not realise but our associations are equal to the environment that we seek for ourselves. Many a time, we end up being associated with people as a status symbol, for professional growth, to be a part of a community or a group setting and so on. But there are also times when these associations remain as a dead network and sometimes become disastrous when it starts to spread negativity and remorse around everybody in the name of engagement and activity. These knowingly or unknowingly impact our well being and the way we think. It therefore becomes highly critical to watch our involvement in these groups, on the conversations and the impact it leaves behind on us. Shut doors on a few if you have to but ensure it leaves you in a positive frame of mind.

Always Be A Learner

We’re living in a time of massive advancements and rapid change. This is the time when we think we know it all and can sail through it comfortably. But we do not realise that there are many out there who are way better knowledgeable than us, it’s just that we do not know them in person or by any other means.

The best remedy to keep it real in these circumstances is to admit and recognise that there could be things we do not know and learn to be curious about the happenings around us and how we could contribute our best to it. Work on your skills and upgrade them. One can take online classes, attend webinars and podcasts events, read content from credible sources to get it going. And over a period of time you would only come to a realisation that there are so many things external to us which we could never imagine until the time we start to ‘Learn’.

Think Before You Act

Sounds familiar? Its adage proverb that we have heard since our childhood but how many of us truly practice it in our lives especially in times of crisis. Now here we are when it's the most important thing to do. Think and deliberate on every plan first before it is executed or acted upon.

But how does it help to control your life? Let's say we have a 100 thoughts popping out of nowhere at this time of the day. But what happens if we do not filter it out and erratically start acting on every one of them in due course? Mayhem. The best and possibly the most known way to take charge of one’s life is to control what you think and what you act upon. History on battles and wars is evidence for it and on retrospective all it needed was that one thorough thought before acting.

Listen To Your Gut

Research proves that intuitions are the only guiding force which every living being including non-humans fully possess. Animals and plants highly depend on it for their survival. But the problem with us humans is that we bring in our logical mind to supersede the thoughts coming from that deep space in us.

Intuitions guide us on our way forward at all times and that most often is available to us for no cost in our silent moments. As a daily ritual, practice silence for at least 30 minutes in a 24hr routine to hear our inner being speak to us. It tells you where your purpose is and where you have to go. Once you know the destination, you will surely take charge to find the direction to reach.

If not all, try one of these four ways to control your life today on just one small activity or a task for the day. See how you go and share your experience with it.


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